Friday, July 19, 2013


Wow, it's been a while.
I checked the calendar and figured out that we've been home something like 6 out of the last 30 days!
We've been all over the freakin' place.
Let's catch up in photos, shall weee?

Baby girl was baptized with her cousins and our friends at the end of May!

We made some paper garlands to welcome summer on the cheap

I was feeling crappy, so I did a 3 day juice cleanse that totally rocked!
(You eat through it too, so totally breastfeeding kosher.)

We spent five minutes a whole morning(!) making matching t-shirt turban headbands.
It killed five minutes a morning of boredom and she looked pretty cute.
P.S. it only took five minutes.

We went to Santa Monica beach to watch my brothers play on the same team
 in a beach soccer tournament.
I spent a day wishing I could play in a beach soccer tournament.


And we experienced a whole new level of cute when my chilly bug borrowed her Amma's flannel.

Sunnies on while chilling with Papa. Later she stole his fancy hat.
 Road trip! We hit the road to South Lake Tahoe for ladies weekend with my mom and sisters.
Scarlett was amazing on the way there. She loves her new car seat. The drive back, however, my sister and I may or may not have stopped for a booze break when our babies took turns screaming the whole way home. #classymoms

We spent lots of time with this Minnesota angel face and his mama before he becomes a big brother!

Scarlett and sweet cousin Thomas discovered each other.
I died from the cuteness.

We celebrated 4th of July without Eric :( 

He had the day off but got called into work.
So me and this firecracker spent the day at a BBQ with our family and friends.
It was such a blasty blast!

We ended up driving home the night of the 4th at 9:30 (Ew.) because we decided that in two days we would hit the road again to Arizona. Totally last minute but we pulled it off! Our first day there was my and Eric's second wedding anniversary. Awwwww! We spent the day in the town we love, the place we started our life together, Flagstaff.

Happy anniversary to us! And look--Scarlett was there too :)

Snoozing away on Eric's back.

This was her first backpack adventure in the Ergo!

Clearly, a fan.

Flagstaff is a little slice of foodie heaven and we ate at all of our favorite places. Too much goodness. Hiking, delectable eats, sleeping in, snapping away to my shutterfly heart's delight--
best time ever.
Unfortunately, our anniversary wasn't the main reason we were there. I wish it was.
The next two days we spent in Prescott to attend the memorial services of the fallen Granite Mountain Hotshots. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster of a week. It was heartbreaking, humbling, you name it. Many tears as we went to pay our respects.

We spent some time in the town of Prescott as well. We had Scarlett in the stroller to avoid the intermittent rain, so I had my hands free and was snapping away with my beloved Canon. A man tracked us down and offered to take a family picture for us. He was a photographer in town to cover the memorial and he said he was impressed to see us with an actual camera and not just a phone. I thought it was pretty funny, but I was definitely grateful to have a shot of the three of us :)

So there you have it. 'Round the state and southwest world and home again. I'll try to update with more, uh, words tomorrow! But that's where we've been. The nomads are home again and it feels good to be sleeping in our bed!