Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bugs, Fat boys, and Mancubs

"I have six brothers."
^that statement is usually followed by "I'm sorry!"

For what?

Yes, indeed, I do have six brothers and at home I am the only sister living with them.
Now, I have two beautiful sisters who are fantastic women and I love them very much.
But today I have decided to write in defense of brothers, yes, brothers. Because I believe brothers are truly wonderful specimens to be enjoyed and laughed :)

Anytime anyone apologizes for my plethora of male siblings, it makes me laugh. Clearly you have not met my brothers.
Now, this is not to say that living with brothers is a clean, quiet, angelic experience--the little ones are more like loud, messy balls of energy, my TV often mysterious disappears from my room for weeks at a time, only to be returned when I go in and seize it and some how, after cleaning a bathroom, they think it is the polite thing to do to leave the seat up. Yes, there is yelling. Yes, there is chaos. Yes, there are fights. Sometimes I look at my mom and laugh and say "We're raisin' men 'round here!"
*sigh* ah, yes, brothers. I think the part that no one thinks of is the hours we spend laughing and singing while cleaning the kitchen and dancing in the living room. I thank God everyday for my brothers. And six was exactly what I needed. An older one to be the lookout, the middle ones to be my balance, the little ones to be my babies and all of them to be my buddies. They are my constant reminders of God's love.
Take today for example!:

I walked in my door today and was greeted with bear hugs from my three little guys (who happily respond to "bugs" and "fat boys." It's a sister thing.) They smile and shout my name when I come in. It's a beautiful thing to be sure! They then begged me to call in sick to work so I could go to the lake with them. As tempting as their offer was, I had to turn it down. But come on, how sweet is that?
And how bout this! I was leaving my house for Mass tonight and wasn't sure how I felt about what I was wearing (it's a sister thing.) Younger brother #1 aka Man cub (1 of 3) wanders over and asks, "Where are you going?" I told him, and then, being a girl, I tacked on "Do I look ok for Mass?" He responded instantly, "You look beautiful." Can I get one, big group "Awww!"
And would I trade all of this for a little quiet and a non-disappearing TV?!
No need to apologize, people. This life is blessed with fat boys, bugs and man cubs. And it's awesome!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sunday's thoughts on Tuesday

I spent Sunday night sitting around the jacuzzi with (almost) all of my siblings *minus a Cami* Watching everyone laugh and joke and actually, genuinely enjoy each other led me to one conclusion: we have a beautiful life :)
"I can't say what I might believe, but if God made you He's in love with me"
Five for Fighting

Friday, May 28, 2010

Where are we going?

So I am new to this whole blogging thing. I think essentially I'm just writing an online journal..ish..thing...that other people can read?? I'm not sure. But ok. I will more than likely just post music videos and lyrics and other such randomness, but I suppose that's me.
Ever wonder what God is up to? I mean really. If I take a look at my life right now, and how I pictured it this time one year ago, nothing is quite what I thought. Things are a bit inside out and upside down and backwards, and I suppose that's okay if that's how God wants it. Although patience has never been a virtue that I've considered myself blessed with. We'll see where this chapter goes. Sometimes I wake up and all I can ask God is, "Where are we going today?"..after all, I "have no idea what (my) life will be like tomorrow."

"Be Here Now" by Ray LaMontagne..pretty much one of the best songs ever :)

Don't let your mind get weary and confused
Your will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies

Don't let your soul get lonely child
It's only time, it will go by
Don't look for love in faces, places
It's in you, that's where you'll find kindness

Be here now
Be here now

Don't lose your faith in me
And I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall

Be here now
Be here now

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Miranda Lambert - The House That Built Me

I love this song so much. It reminds me of my house :)
Come to think of it, all lot of her songs fit with my life. love it!